Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Does anyone use article submission services to automatically submit articles to article directories?

Article submission is the core of an effective article marketing campaign. Manually submitting articles to directories can be a time intensive and consuming task.

Many article submission services have been created to ease the burden on article marketers. These article submission services will submit your articles to article directories, mailing lists, and other websites.

There are many benefits to using article submission services to submit your articles.

Save Time

How much is your time worth? We as Internet marketers and entrepreneurs are always looking to save time. Submitting one article could take hours to complete. Think about the steps that are necessary for article submission.

  1. Sign up and register with article directories
  2. Send e-mail confirmation of article directory registration
  3. Sign-in to the article directories
  4. Check the article for compliance with submission guidelines
  5. Enter the title
  6. Enter the summary
  7. Enter the author
  8. Enter the keywords
  9. Enter the article body
  10. Select the categories
  11. Enter the author resource box
  12. Track article submissions
  13. Repeat this process for each site you submit to and article you submit
Using article submission services will cut the time needed to submit articles from hours to minutes.

Maximum Exposure

Article submission services will submit your articles to hundreds of article directories. The best article submission services will also submit your articles to the top article directories including EzineArticles and GoArticles.

Not only will they submit you article to article directories, article submission services will also submit them to web sites, mailing lists, and groups that accept category specific articles. Article directories also have RSS feeds that will syndicate your article on the Web.

Instead of limiting your article submission to a few select sites, you can gain maximum exposure for your article by submitting them to hundreds of article directories across the Internet.

Focus on Your Business

Most small business owners are multi-taskers who try to balance a deluge of tasks and objectives. Many small businesses lose their focus and drown in a sea of incomplete tasks and ideas.

With your time spread thin, you need to outsource and automate time consuming and non-critical tasks. Using article submission services allows you to concentrate on your business rather than submitting articles.

Stay Creative & Motivated

Most entrepreneurs and marketers are creative by nature. By contrast, article submission is a long, boring, and arduous task. Article submission can suck all of the joy, motivation, and creative juices out of you.

It’s hard for entrepreneurs to adjust to the daunting and repetitive task of submitting articles to numerous sites. Using an article submission service can help restore your joy and love for your business. It can also help motivate and rejuvenate your creative self.

Improve Writing and Articles

The best article submission services don’t accept every article that’s submitted to them. They review articles for spelling, grammar, and comprehension. Article submission services also make sure that your article complies with the submission guidelines of article directories.

You can view article submission services as your editor. Their job is to make your article more readable and consumable. They help to improve your writing and the quality of the articles you submit. This is an indispensable service that authors usually pay top dollar for.

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